One of the most common phrases worship leaders use in churches to get the crowd to respond is... "God is Good" and the congregation shouts back... "all the time" and so on repeated for a few times till the crowd gets warmed up.
A few months back I was sitting in class after the lunch period and I suddenly felt unwell. My stomach began to hurt real bad and I started feeling nausea. I put my head down on the desk praying that my lecturers wouldn't notice me sleeping. I got back home still feeling uneasy and ate a light dinner. What followed soon can easily be described as the worst experience of my life ever. I started throwing up continuously. Everything inside my body came out in the following few minutes and I started feeling very weak. The 7th or 8th time I threw up that night, I started feeling dizzy and felt as though I was entering a blackout state. I kept spraying water on my face to keep myself conscious.
As I then proceeded to bed taking in a few fluids to prevent dehydration, I noticed that my body was starting to ache pretty badly. I prayed and tried to sleep but I just couldn't sleep. Tried everything possible... laid on my back, laid on one side, laid on my stomach... nothing helped. I continued praying asking God to put me to sleep and in the wee hours of the morning, I managed to sleep for an hour or so.
The next day felt worse. I could barely sit up in bed as I felt very weak almost dizzy if I sat up. The body ache became terrible. Any attempts to eat liquefied food was in vain as I threw up everything. My body started itching from top to toe. I tried every powder and cream at home, but it just kept increasing. I scratched myself so badly that my arms and feet started bleeding. A day or two passed by without any relief. I couldn't eat, sleep, sit, walk, nothing at all.
I was soon taken to the doctor. He carried out a battery of blood and other tests, finally concluded that I was suffering from 'Hepatitis A'. Hepatitis implies injury to the liver characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. The condition can be self-limiting, healing on its own, or can progress to scarring of the liver.
When I heard about the diagnosis, I was shattered. Till then I was praying that God would heal me and I would go back to college to write my internal exams which were soon to begin. The doctor advised me a minimum of 45 days bed rest and a complete overhaul of my diet. I could not consume any proteins (lentils, meats, eggs, etc), fats (oils, nuts, etc). Rice congee was my only food for the next week as I could not digest anything else. The weakness furthered and all I could do was lie down. My eyes and skin became yellowish in colour and the itching was intolerable. Among the many functions of the liver, it had the role of cleansing the body off toxic substances, and as it wasn't functioning, hence the itching. The liver had to heal on its own as there were medicines only to support the liver functioning and not for curing it.
I was extremely depressed two weeks into the sickness. I had no strength to do anything. Couldn't eat anything that I liked and the only sleep I had was an hour or so, every night. One night as I was lying down trying hard to sleep and trying not to itch, I felt extremely low mentally. I pulled myself up to sit on the bed and started debating with God as to why I was going through this and why He just didn't heal me. I was so angry and disappointed with God's silence. Suddenly I opened my mouth in the darkness and without me having control of what I was saying, I began to sing "God is good... All the time... He put a song of praise in this heart of mine. God is good... All the time... Through my darkest night, Your light will shine." I couldn't believe what was coming out of my mouth as I suddenly raised my hands and sang with more conviction... "God is good... O my God is good... ... ... ... ALL ... the time...". Right that very moment I sensed God's presence in a very tangible way in my room, covering me like a blanket. I continued to worship God and fell asleep. In more than 15 days, I for the first time, slept for the next 6 hours.
The next day, my symptoms were the same, but my focus was on something else. I totally put my trust onto God knowing He will surely take me through. In the days that followed strength started returning. Appetite was getting better. My diet was constantly updated. Although initially I was told to be on a strict diet for at least a minimum of 3 months, the doctor said I was fine and could get back to life as normal. Within 45 days of the sickness, I was back in college, back in the worship team with more strength than I had ever felt before.
In my darkest hour I had to make a choice to worship Him. Don't let situations in your life determine your worship towards Him because you serve an unchanging God who is... good all the time.
Though I may not understand, all the plans you have for me
My life is in your hands, and through the eyes of faith I can clearly see... God is good all the time.
No matter what we go through,we know our God goes with us, holding our hand HE takes us through the storm :)He'll neva leave us alone .... o yes!! HE's goooood ALL the time :) love it!!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely beautiful....! Praise God for the ways He is using u ! oh n yes GOD is GOOD all the time! God Bless u ....
ReplyDeletePraise God!!!
ReplyDeleteANkita here.. I dont know why I havent read about or heard about your blog before.. [ FROm you even!! ] REally nice posts.. simple, lucid.. easy to relate to... yet profound.
ReplyDeletePraise God! very encouraging testimony