Radio's or Transistors, can be pin pointed as a major progress in our everyday entertainment. I remember stories my mom and dad tell me of how the whole family got together around a large transistor set, to listen to a radio program. My grandfather used to have the sole right of operating the knobs on the transistor while everyone waited in anticipation to hear the next Beatles number, Karen & Richard Carpenter harmonizing on their hit tracks and catch the news and other regional programs on the All India Radio (AIR).
Brief history & working of the Radio ( for the InQuisitive crowd... )
Although many scientists and engineers contributed to the invention of the radio... Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian electrical engineer is widely attributed as the inventor of the radio. A radio wave is an electromagnetic wave transmitted by an antenna. A radio station transmits these sine waves with information ( programs ) encoded on them, into space. These sine waves are then captured by antenna at the receiving station ( radio set ). The tuners on the radio set separate the thousands of sine waves received by the antenna.
If all of that went over your head, chill...
When I was a kid, we used to have a little red radio at home. I soon understood how to operate the tuning knobs. I used to fiddle around with the tuning knob till i could hear something faint in the background over the blank noise from the radio. Once I could hear a faint sound, I would slow down and start to move the knob more slowly, not wanting to overshoot from the frequency. Little by little, the noise reduced as the signal became stronger. Soon I started playing around with the fine tuning knob to get the best reception. What soon followed was bliss as I laid back on my pillow, enjoying the music or cricket commentary as I dozed off.
In John 10 : 27, Jesus says... "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me". So when was the last time we heard our Shepherd's voice ? If the answer is today... then there's nothing to worry about. If it was few days, weeks, months or even years back, then its a serious worry. What's wrong ? Why can't we hear His voice ? Isn't He speaking ? Or does God speak only to the Benny Hinn's, Reinhard Bonnke's, etc ?
When I want to hear a particular channel say... 94.5 FM, I have to tune into that particular frequency. If I tune into any other frequency other than that, I will hear either some other station or just a distorted signal. But just because I didn't tune into 94.5FM it doesn't mean that, that station is not broadcasting.
Our world has so much to distract us with... every-other person has music stuffed into his/her ears. Internet, social-networking mediums, television, movies, phones, messaging, peers, family... tell us what to do. Some of this aren't wrong, but is the 'tuner' of our heart able to separate these voices ?
When my mom calls out my name, I know its my mom calling, even if I am standing in a busy railway station. This is because I have learnt to recognize and listen to her voice. I can pick it up over all the other noise. Just because I cant hear God speak to me in an audible voice or through His spoken word or just directly in my heart or the various other ways He chooses to speak; I cant assume that He doesn't speak. I need to learn to be still and yearn to listen to Him. I need to catch His frequency. How can I do that ? Ask Him to forgive me and remove any block between me and Him. Live according to the way He wants me to live, i.e. fine tune my life and keep an open ear to Him.
Once I catch His voice, I just need to maintain the radio, clean it up, change batteries... maintain my relationship with Him, heed everything He says and keep getting refreshed by spending more time with Him.
Commune with Him constantly. make Him a part of Your everyday life. Seek His direction before you do anything. And allow Him to speak to you. And as He starts talking and you start obeying, your life will never be the same again.
His sheep know His voice and... they follow Him.
Fantastic... u r full of surprises amit.. seriously loved this one... i just love the way u look at things, n ur simply a great writer.. :) may u experience his love n presence in ur life in a mighty way :)
ReplyDeleteGod bless!!
nice !!!
ReplyDeleteyou have Talent.. n ur putting it to the right use... God will Reward u Richly :) ....